Time to POST!!
I've been at college for a little over a week now. I am about to encounter my first weekend at college. Have any suggestions, let me know!!
The first few days was Welcome Week. When I arrived on campus I was greated by the welcome week staff, and within five mintues I was in my room with all my stuff. I didn't have to carry a single thing, because the welcome week staff did it all for me! That was awesome. There were many activites throughout those few days. I got to know lots of people, and remembered only a few names. Now classes have started. I only have one class M,W,F...so i'm pumped about that. It leaves time for chapel, and homework before my 1:50-2:40 music history class. I like my classes. They are mostly music focused, since I'm a music ed. major. It's nice to finally take classes that I care about. My roommate is nice, and we get along well. Our room is cool, and when I can borrow someone's camera to take picutes of it, I'll post them.
I'm currently listenin to Derek Webb's new Mockingbird CD. I'm enjoying it so far.
Things i am/want to be involved in: Women's Choir(I'm in it!) Ministry Teams (either from the campus or at a local church) There is a team that goes to downtown minneapolis and just hangs out and talks to the homeless people. I think that would be really cool to be invoved in. We'll see how much time I have.
Well, time for lunch. Feel free to call me anytime, if I'm busy I just won't answer.
Here are a few pics of people I've met here. If you are wondering what sign we're holding up it stands for G3( Getsch 3rd floor in sign language)
Front Row: Lindsay (RA) Ashley W.
Back Row: Bethany(bible study leader) katie and Rachel

Me and Rachel V.
Sophie, Bri, and Katelyn
Ashley(roommate) Me and Rachel V.

ahh! that's awesome. I'm so excited for you. i'm making lots of new friends at school too. and i'm trying to find a homecoming date haha. call me tomorrow sometime if you have time.
Yea! I'm so glad you're having a good time so far! It is so pretty up there! That's awesome that you are in the women's choir too, how fun! Youth group isn't the same without you :( Your dad was one of the guys up front with a mic today, and I think I saw an "I miss Krista" look in his eyes a couple times :) Talk to you soon girl!
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