Now that's what I call a good guitar day!!

According to Webster-a flat-bodied stringed instrument with a long fretted neck and usually six strings plucked with a pick or with the fingers.
According to me- a great source of entertainment and pure enjoyment
A few years ago, on an IWU trip, I randomly decided I wanted to learn to play the guitar. I was taught a few chords, and the rest I picked up on my own. I began learning on this cheap guitar my dad bought in mexico. Amazingly enough, it worked. I played it all the time. Then one day I decided it was time to change the strings. That's where I made a bad deicision. You see, the cheapness of the guitar would not allow that to happen, so after taking off all the strings I was stuck with a guitar that didn't work.
Ebay was my out. I went to a local music store, saw and played a guitar that i loved, found it on Ebay and purchased it. It was probably one of the best uses of my money yet. So here's my guitar. It wouldn't be odd to see me with it basically wherever I go.
Today, my guitar and I had a fun adventure. I noticed on some of the strings had a little divit in them. Since I am playing in Big House this weekend, I decided to go get some new strings on it. My strings had just been changed a few weeks before so I wasn't excited to spend some more $$ on them, but it seemed necessary to me. I informed "Shane", the west music guitar guy who always helps me with my guitar, about the divits and he put a brand new pair on for FREE within five minutes. Now that's what I call a good guitar day!!
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