Oh me Oh my!!
1- The girl next to me today in theory class ate her ENTIRE apple. I'm not just talking about ate every bite of apple down to the core, I mean she ate the WHOLE thing. Seeds and all.
2- I think Frenchi, the car swiper for lunch in the DC, and I are at war. A few days ago I went to the DC and Frechie was nappin at her swiping station. So what did I do? I stomped my feet up and down until she woke up, swiped my card, and then fell back asleep. The next day she was swiping my card as she chewed her nails and then spit a nail on my card. Today, after she swiped my car I went to grab it and she held on. But she didn't just play the joke on me ONCE, nope she sure did hang on to it for two pulls, all the while laughing histarically at me!!
3- When I came to bethel I also set up a facebook account. I was just informed YESTERDAY by a random friend from the past that under my info it said I was interested in Women. Then, thanks to the new news feed, when I changed my interest to Men(because I'm not gay) it alerted everyone that I had changed my interest.
4- Today I went to chapel. The theme was about reconciliation and a mission's trip several teachers went on to Africa this past summer. On my way I tried calling Rachel to see if she wanted to sit with me. So I went and sat down by another girl that I knew. About three seconds later, Rachel texted me and asked if I was in chapel. As I was about to text her back literally 8!!! teachers came and sat next to me. I was surrounded by teachers. I'm not the sneakiest person, but I tried to be and I texted rachel that I was sitting by 8 teachers and another girl that I knew. One of the teachers glared at me as I texted, I found out why later. They were one of the people who went on the mission's trip to Africa. Overall, it was a good chapel. I especially enjoyed singing songs in other languages!
Oh and here are a few random pictures from the homecoming cheer night...
The band for the songs Getsch sang in the cheer(Liz, Lindsay, Me, Angela)

Rachel P. and me

Liz, Rachel, and Sopie

Krista, Lindsay, Liz(bottom center)

Rachel V. and Rachel P.