Krista Needs...
I was told to google..."Krista Needs" and this is what it came up with
Some are stories...some are just phrases...
Story 1-
Meet Krista.
Krista likes to climb the jungle gym at the park. She loves to paint. Saturday morning cartoon characters are her television friends. Seven-year-old Annie is her real-life best friend. When she talks about Annie, her eyes light up. She gets a big smile on her face. "We play," says Krista. (Props to my real friend Annie S!!)
Krista talks more slowly than many children her age. She can't run as fast as some other children, either. It usually takes longer for her to understand schoolwork. Krista has Down's syndrome.
Story 2-
Krista has tremendously improved her reading skils since she started WoW Vision. Krista has always found reading, tracking, and drawing a challenge, but with her therapy, she has improved all of those areas. Had I known about this therapy when Krista was young, I would have had her here at an earlier age, but we are so happy that Krista has had the opportunity to experience and to have such quality therapy. Krista is pleased that she no longer needs to read and follow with her finger. She has built strong eye strength and has a stronger self-esteem about herself. We are very proud of her accomplishment and her desire to learn. The staff at WoW Vision are very professional and courteous. Thank you for your concerns for Krista's needs, and all the therapy you've provided, it's been a success for her.
Krista Needs Help With Her Sunscreen.
Krista needs to practice her wise-girl accent with someone.
Krista needs to have someone tell her to straighten her act out.
by the way none of these things are true...especially the stories...I just found it funny!!
Hmm...what does Krista need??