Have you ever decided to knit a scarf and you begin unraveling the yarn, but it just keeps getting knotted up? This was my dilemma last night. I was hanging out with a friend and she decided to finish knitting a scarf for her mom for Christmas. She dubbed me the "yarn unravelor" and so I went to work.
At first it seemed easy. The yarn came out smoothly and easily, but as I pulled more and more it got harder and harder to unravel the yarn. Now this wasn't just normal yarn, it was that fluffy kind. So all the little fluffs got stuck together creating knots. So, I sat quietly as my hands went to work to get the knots out. Now this was a true test of my patience. I could have given up so easily and just said, "just do this yourself, its not my gift to my mom!" But I didn't. I unknotted knot after knot until finally, she completed the scarf. But you know what, I couldn't have undone the knots as well, if I wouldn't of had the help of my scissors. They just made the process so much easier. And in the end it turned out so soft and beautiful!!
This situation reminds me of my life at times. Sometimes life seems great!! Everything is smooth and unraveling quite well and then before I know it, a huge knot stares me in the face. At this point I can either choose to get angry and run from it, or patiently fix the knot. And if I choose to take my "Knott" to Jesus (scissors), it is fixed so much easier. But for some reason I don't always do this. I know I can always use the
scissors but sometimes I think I can do it on my own time and with my own strength.
All that to say, I'm just reminded to cast ALL my cares upon Jesus (whether good or bad) and he will take care of me. And in the end, the product (my life) will be softer and more beautiful than I could ever imagine!!!